Saturday, July 25, 2009

Harry Potter inspired fashion

quite dissapointed to the test just now, as in structure section doesn't seem to follow what lecturer has told us, hmm...another exam on coming week then right after will be...MIDTERM BREAK! can't wait^^...
Browse through few blogs and spotted the following pictures...Harry Potter inspired fashion..hhaa. Btw need to say that in latest HP movie some parts were hilarious and it was funnier with teenage romance, there were also parts that kind of bored me lah. Anyway they acted well =)

Hogwarts school uniform?

Hermione's dress

Luna Lovegood signature purple...

think Luna's clothing is the nicest, vintage clothing XD nice rite??



瑜颖 said...

u also browse polyvore? cool.

ジョイス said...

yea u too rite =)

me said...

luna lovegood is my hero
check out my blog if you ever have the time
thanks, kelsey