Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Final year project, officially ended:)


Finally finished my final year project presentation this afternoon and the feeling was great to have finally finished it. Going to print out the project later and send it to shop for a hard cover bound copy tomorrow. :) Have some doubts on what my supervisor and moderator commented about me right after my presentation that they felt they were watching National Geographic channels with my commercial voice? eh? And they said I should go for some auditions after I graduate. I've no idea how different my voice was when I was presenting my project. Maybe I was trained to speak like the way I participated in story telling and speech competitions during kindergarten and primary school? I really have no idea whether it's a good or bad thing to have such voice. I stunned and felt little embarassing when they commented about me. Haha...

*The photo not taken today but last week, wearing the same formal attire btw xp


頑張ればいいことがあるから 。

Nothing can be achieved without putting in efforts.
You can’t go backward, only forward.
Believe in yourself and never give up,
it's because hard work and good luck go together.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

nice song~

like the piano accompaniment of this song :)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sunday murmurs~

As I'm sitting beside my desk, I'm thinking lots of thing I need to complete before coming week ends. Time is flying by too fast and I feel like I have lesser time to prepare for my final exams.

Many things to study, little time.
Actually it's very common to feel stress around exam time at least some amount of stress gives me motivation and enthusiasm. Well not some astonishments almost every final exam period that create lots of mind blankness.

Dreams can come reality, it simply depends on how much you are willing to sacrifice.

Have a wonderful Sunday! :)

Saturday, January 22, 2011

black and white

Black and white, dark and light, good and bad battle.
I won with the white sided chips as shown in the picture
but lose in another following game. =p

Friday, January 21, 2011


Was wiping mouth after meal >.<

Thursday, January 20, 2011


I shall store some snacks and chocolates in the larder and fridge then :D

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New year, fresh start :)

It's 2011!!!

It's fresh start of the year!!!
I'm thinking what shall I write today? What will I allow myself to say today?
Well since it's year 2011, the post for today will be 11 facts about me :D
I know I usually don't talk about myself, they are~

1. I can't live without my black and white keys.
my paintings~

2. My heaviest weight I ever reached in my life was after my Korea trip on Oct'09. Too much of irresistible delicious food there. My weight now has a double digits. (not the 5) XD

3. I dislike people saying rude or swear words in front of's just not in my vocabulary.

4. I attended Chinese caligraphy class and vocal music lesson.

5. I hate Mr. Roach!!!!!! I'll start...screaming?!? when I see it~

6. I never wear false eyelashes. Sometimes people thought I wear that but I never.

7. I've won the first prize in drawing contest during secondary school. I got the prize, a hamper but a day later. I overslept and missed the school assembly on the actual day. The topic was historical building and I drew...Malacca red house, Christ Church XD (where the state I'm studying now) lol

8. I like to sew and DIY my clothes, I use to sew dresses for my barbie dolls.

9. My home phone number creates a neat "christian cross" on the phone keypad. I'm a Christian btw. :)

10. I love travelling. Among the places I had travelled, I love Beijing for its historical places (Forbidden city, Beijing Underground City, etc.), Korea for its beautiful places, food(kimchi!!!!!) and shopping spots, and Disneyland HK for the cartoon characters! :D

11. My favourite colours are white, pink, ivory and maybe purple and silver.

It took me some time for me to complete the 11 facts. HEHE...Let me pick some friends (if they wish to write) or anyone of you who has time to write about yours. :D just for fun! :p
-Jye wann, Joyce qiyaki, Choon hong, Shu yin, Senpai, Neo, Lisa

Happy Sparkling New Year 2011 everyone! =)