It was two years ago when I first involved in this song composing sharing night. Well to be exact I shall say I was just a little piano accompanist for the song that my friends composed. Yet, this was one of my most memorable stage experiences that I had in this university before I graduate...
Last Sunday's performance was actually my third time perfoming on MMU mainhall's stage. Recalling back to the very first stage performance I got involved, "60 Seconds to Fame" during my first year in the university, it was really an embarassing one that my friend and I never wish to remember again. We played piano duet for one of the melodies in movie-Secret and made some mistakes during the competition. Now I let myself to write it here as I'm soon graduating so I take it as one of the "memorable" experiences in this university. Haha XD
I was surprised that I wasn't that nervous as the pervious stage experiences. I could say I did not have much confidence due to insufficient practice in just a one week's time. Now I'm thankful that I am able to enjoy during the night with the seniors, song and lyrics composers, and singers for the songs- [思], [无悔], and [说不出的爱]. This will be one of my unforgettable memories here. =)
I really have to say that, this particular semester, will be the most unforgettable semester I've ever had. Many special and nice things have flooded my mind and those made the corners of my lips to curve up. :)
Group photo of the day: