Thursday, June 23, 2011

Storage Solution

Life has been pretty relax recently as you can see I popped in often in my blog?

Well this new white wooden shelf is added in my room this noon to provide extra storage for things I shifted back after graduated. While unpacking weeks ago I had problems of storage space in the room. Really thanks mommy for suggesting and scored this shelf for me. I really love white finish furniture as it brings a clean accent to the space and gives perfect macthing with almost any decor in the room or house. Any items of furnitures with soft colours has great power to create calming atmosphere in the room, I prefer white, ivory, and pastels when it comes to particular scheme colour for room. Below are some clean white and elegant interior design pictures. I quite like these...kind of American vintage designed home, but not too shabby style of furniture.

This week is really an exciting one. My big toy might reach tomorrow. Ohw yeah~ :D


Anderson Neo said...

Ooo...? Big toy? What is it. o.0

ジョイス said...

big toy that I need to improve my driving skill :D

Anderson Neo said...

:o sounds great~!