Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Tuesday Ramblings

The best way to get better at anything is to practice. Blogging or writing frequently will get improve in writing, in crafting sentences, picking words to use, as well as reacting to feedback. I have always loved to write English essay when I was in school, no doubt it was my favourite subject and I'll get satisfaction of expressing my points in the essay. I have to say that my most favourite teacher was my English teacher, my tutor to be exact. Ok all these ramblings sound as I'm telling myself to blog more often. Anyway I will be glad if there's more comments from readers or write comment below with link of your blog.
Here's what I had for dinner with my uni friends. Delicious. =)
Place: Itacho Sushi


Wann said...

Hello Joyce..yes yes you should blog more :)

chaos said...

how I wish I can write and speak fluent English like you do.

Gambateh in Kurihara!

Colleague Charles

ジョイス said...

J1: Hey J1, I love how the pictures and template display in yout blog!

ジョイス said...

Colleague Charles: Nice blog. 你的部落格里华语写得很棒。不简单!And you know japanese too!