Friday, September 27, 2013

Do not judge

Stereotypes are not always true.

Don't be surprised that people tend to make assumptions, effortlessly putting labels on each other, judging another person or group of people without really knowing them, assuming the created label fits with the personality or type of the person that is being labeled.

I have seen lots of people making assumptions by just looking at a person, putting a label to describe the person base on his/her actions, appearance or behaviour. I can see that it is actually a bad habit proving one's lack of critical thinking skill, assuming something is true than finding the facts. Sometimes I wonder if this will ever stop, will people stop judging others with their eyes and ears. Seeing only a narrow view or down grade other people to feel better about themselves, most of the time I have seen that those assumptions were only make them feel good of being 'right'...I have met people who really made harsh judgement, I think this had really allowed me to know the true personality of the person that the others' might not have seen before. 

Most people fail to realise that stereotypes do not conclude about a person. In fact, when you accept and trying to understand others, you will feel good or peaceful of letting go of clinging to the way we want people to be.

Because labels are like covering a person's real identity.

Don’t judge.Observe.Explore.Watch your judging mind.

"If you judge people, you have no time to love them."- Mother Teresa =)