Friday, January 1, 2010


Went to church just now. I was wearing new item, christmas gift from aunty. Love the dress and its nice flower pattern very much.

Hmmm...talking about christmas gift, I have realised that I received more christmas gifts this year, from relatives, parent, church, friends, one special gift that me and my cousin received had surprised us, we screamed with astonishment when we saw the content of gift box. Blushed as well. Anyway we think it is cute. hahax!

"what would you like to plus, minus, times, and divide in your life this year? "I remember I left this question unanswered in one of the blogpost last year...well, whatever the answer to that question, I hope God point me a direction, and continue leading me, along the path, along any ups and downs...

*ignore my fat face lolx

Happy New Year 2010 to everyone!!!!

Hope 2010 is an amazing year for all of you!=)

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