Friday, May 21, 2010


It's Friday!!! Thought of blogging a little about my first day of industrial trainning on Day 1 but I was very exhausted after back home that day. Having hard time to adjust my time to go to bed early and wake up early in the morning, however it's Day5 today and I'm able to wake up that early already. =)

The office dress code for this company is semi-formal/formal attire with no jeans allowed~

So here are outfits of the week (without Day 1 as I was too exhausted XD)

To what I learnt this week, I get to know things about shares, searched some updates from bursa website and be given some materials about the system. Helped my colleagues with some simple jobs checking clients' profile and details too. But for the rest of the time I was "allowed" to fb and online, approaching the other to know about their job , chit chatting with them or I'll follow my colleague to go to the other departments and to become familiar with the places around. A pleasant working atmosphere so far. =D

Need to talk about my Day 1 then, the traffic was really bad in the morning due to road closed, which I was 15 minutes late to office on the first day (my colleagues too btw). There's even picture of traffic jam of that morning be published in newspapers.

Just collected my new specs just now. Although there's nothing much different compare to what I've been wearing, I still like it alot. Bought a new one due to problem of lens.

Finally I do not need to wake up at a quarter past six tomorrow~

Can't wait to meet my friendsss this weekend!

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