Thursday, July 15, 2010

u're cute =)

I got surprised by this. :D

Mum showed me a card from her year 1 student yesterday. It was given to both me and my mum and it had brighten our day! It was last month when I first noticed this sweet smile little girl and I told my mum she's so cuteee!!! My mum actually told her that. :D

Words she wrote for me: 姐姐我爱你。谢谢你说我可爱。真谢谢。我都爱你们两个好吗?

Lol! She also wrote that the cinderella sticker is for me. XD

so cute lo!!!!!

Plan to get her some cute stickers soon. =)


Anderson Neo said...

It wakes you up from your sleepy days.

ジョイス said... made my lips curve in a huge smile

lovelisa1225 said...

^^You are cute as well.

ジョイス said...

lol lisa >.< u r cuter =))