Sunday, November 30, 2008

Shoe box wrapping

Heeehee! Finally we got a bigger shoe box and wrapped it!! ^.^v

thought of writing this post yesterday but, I was too tired and lying on my lovely pinky bed. Exhausted....lolx >.<

My back hurts, after sitting on the floor doing the shoe box wrapping for an hour, and tiredness that carried from the morning. Erm, went church practised songs for worship on the next day, I have no idea why I had a feeling of using up all my energy tapping the keys, I didn't take my breakfast? not enough sleep? flu? or due to other reasons? as I have to play quite loud sometimes with the drum accompaniment. Haha, following by a little dizziness in my head after I left the piano bench.
*yet I enjoy playing the grandpiano very much ^-^
nice melody<---found this video, one of the melodies I like~~~

Hm, back to the shoe box wrapping, I wrapped roommie thinks she unable to wrap it nicely, hahaa...what she did then? ?

"ermmmm...Hui Juan, lend me your sellotape..." =D

"oya, the thick beige tape on your left and double sided tape too."

"and I need printed words 'merry christmas' ."
Lolx, she provided me with all types of tapes which I do not have, and stationery for the box wrapping...hehe, thx! ~.^

xmas presentssss! =)

Christmas is less than one month away =D

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